Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.
Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.
Latchmere School

Year 6


This is the final term for Year 6 children and is one of mixed emotions. On the one hand, there is the looking ahead to the exciting prospect of a new school in September; on the other, there is the bidding farewell to familiar routines and, above all, long-established friends as pupils go their different ways. The Year 6 team will continue to support and guide the children through this transitional phase.

We hope that this term will be positive and memorable for everyone.

Growing against violence workshops

On Thursday 25th April, ‘Growing against Violence’ (a charity that aims to prevent youth violence) will be delivering two in-class workshops to year 6 pupil: ‘So Social Media’ and ‘Friend vs Friendly’.

‘So Social Media’ - aims of the session:

  • This session seeks to keep young people safe online, whilst demonstrating what happens online can hurt them offline
  • ​Explores how digital technology has changed the way in which young people communicate​
  • Signposts to support services that can assist victims of cyber bullying â€‹
  • Provides advice on social media safety to help improve online resilience


 ‘Friend vs Friendly’ - aims of the session:

 This programme helps students understand how gangs recruit members and subsequently be more likely to:​

  • Recognise the difference between friendship and friendly​
  • Understand that gangs are not conventional friendship groups and that they exploit young people​
  • Identify strategies for keeping themselves safe and avoid becoming gang involved
We are requesting voluntary contributions, suggested £5 per child which will appear on ParentPay, to deliver these very important workshops offering your children evidence-based public health education.
SATs Week
The SATS tests start in the week beginning Monday 13th May. We feel sure that all of the hard work that pupils (and their parents) have put in will be rewarded. This is a chance for the children to show off what they know and demonstrate just how much progress they have made!

The timetable is as follows:



Monday 13th May


Tuesday 14th May


Wednesday 15th May

MATHS – PAPER 1 (Arithmetic) AND PAPER 2 (Reasoning)

Thursday 16th May

MATHS – PAPER 3 (Reasoning)


During SATs week, the children will be encouraged to come in early for a SATs breakfast provided by the school. We have found this an excellent way to make the children feel more relaxed about, and prepared for, the tests each morning. Further information will be provided closer to the time.


Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. At Latchmere, we prioritise reading and have carefully chosen a variety of texts which your child will study this term. To develop fluency, we use a number of strategies such as choral reading (whole class read together) and echo reading (the teacher models the reading and the class echo back). We also have the Latchmere Reading skills. These are based on comprehension skills such as retrieval, inference, summarising, making links, prediction and vocabulary.


Our curriculum is based on the White Rose Maths programme. This research-based initiative ensures that the skills and concepts children taught are fully embedded before moving on. The children are taught strategies such as bar modelling and have plenty of opportunities to use manipulatives such as counters and dienes all the way through the school. This term, we will be focusing on ratio, algebra, decimals, fractions and percentages, area and perimeter and statistics. Children should also use the Times Tables Rockstars programme to increase their quick recall of multiplication and related division facts.

Curriculum Highlights

Learning about rainforests is a great topic to explore in the summer term. Did you know, for example, that more than half of the world’s species of animals and plants are found in rainforests. We’ll be looking at the ecosystem of the rainforest, wildlife and culture, as well as the human impact on rainforest areas.

As you may be aware, we closely monitor the attendance of pupils at our school as there is clear evidence which shows the correlation between attainment and attendance and pupil well-being.

 We believe working with families is very important, therefore when a child’s attendance falls below 94% we intervene quickly to work with parents to identify any barriers to regular school attendance and identify how we can support further.  

Reading books and reading records should be brought to school every day. In the meantime, we hope that your child will maintain a regular reading habit at home and complete at least two in-depth entries per week. This has been discussed already during lessons.

To support the transition to secondary school, the Year 6 Team feel it important that homework is set during the summer term. English homework will be given out on a Wednesday, due in the following Monday. Maths homework will be given out on a Friday, due in the following Tuesday.


We also encourage your children to use Century to consolidate and practise the learning they have been doing this year. They have all been given their user names and passwords.

Trips and Activities

To link to our rainforest topic, we have arranged visits to Kew Gardens where children will take part in an educational workshop. Thanks to those parents who are able to help on the trips. They will take place as follows:


6C/6B – Wednesday 22nd May

6H/6L – Thursday 23rd May


 Many Year 6 children are looking forward to spending a week at Fairthorne Manor, just east of Southampton. There are some great outdoor activities to enjoy, with each night being spent under canvas in tents!  Special activities are also being arranged for those children staying behind during this week beginning 10th June.

Parents, along with the Year 6 children attending Fairthorne Manor, are invited to a briefing in Innovation House on Friday 17th May at 2:30pm in the Drama Hall.

 At this meeting, the staff attending Fairthorne Manor will present an overview of the residential trip. There will be an opportunity for parents and children to ask suitable questions on anything not covered.


As always, thank you for your support.

We wish all of you and your children well during this final term at Latchmere.


The year six team

Mr Cooper      Mrs Ko            Mrs Board                  Mr Lamb         Miss Haffejee

Updates and reminders
The children should arrive at school between 08:45 and 09:00, and if they have a morning snack it should be a healthy one.

Please ensure that all medication is within date. Please speak directly to the main office regarding medication that is kept in school.


Class teachers liaise with their class reps on a regular basis. Please keep an eye out for emails or Whatsapp messages they may send regarding dates, PE kit etc. PE will continue to take place for all children on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the forthcoming outdoor lessons, and as the weather gets warmer, please provide water and sunhats and ensure your child comes to school with sun screen applied.

Key dates

Thursday 25th April – Growing Against Violence workshops: ‘Friend vs Friendly’ and ‘So Social Media’


Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May – SATs Week


Monday 22nd May – Year 6 in-class workshops for year 6 production


Week commencing 3rd June - Sports Week


Week commencing 17th June - Latchmere Goes Global Week


Monday 24th June – KS2 Sports Day


Wednesday 26th June – KS2 Sports Day – reserve day


Monday 1st July – Richmond secondary schools visit day


 Wednesday 3rd July – Kingston secondary schools visit day


All children in Year 6 will be working extremely hard in the second half of the term in order to stage this year’s production. Details of this will be revealed to the children towards the end of the first half of term! The show itself takes place in the penultimate week, with performances scheduled for the week commencing Monday 15th July 2024. The performances to parents will take place Tuesday (matinee) and Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Further details to follow.

The Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Tuesday 23rd July commencing at 9:15am in Innovation House. The assembly will include the presentation of a number of awards.