Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.
Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.
Latchmere School

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Urgent Mental Health Support: There is now a single 24/7 crisis line, telephone 0800 028 8000 for our local families and the South London Partnership CAMHS crisis line will now be accessed via this one single number. Unless there is an emergency medical need, please could families in crisis call this number BEFORE attending A&E.

Childline – You can call them free and confidential. Telephone: 0800 1111

Young Minds – provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you need urgent help text YM to 85258. Telephone: 0800 068 4141

Mind – Provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem – call 0300 123 3393 or Text 86463
Samaritans – You can call 116 123 anytime or email jo@samaritans.org

CEOP – Child Exploitation & Online Protection – Report online sexual abuse, bullying or the way someone is trying to communicate/connect with you. https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Winstons Wish – free to call on 08088 020 021 – offers advice, guidance and support to children following a bereavement.