We hope that you had a lovely Easter break. Welcome to the summer term where we look forward to continuing our partnership with you to make the children’s nursery experience a happy, exciting and memorable one. Getting ready for the transition to the next stage of their school life will form an important part of our curriculum, through supporting their growing independence and their enjoyment of new experiences.
Talking and Reading together
This term, we continue to create exciting story-based opportunities to promote a love of stories and to make them irresistible to children. We have carefully chosen the stories and information books that your child will become familiar with. We focus on reading our ‘inside out’ stories several times in different ways, using expression in our voices and faces to give meaning to the words. We plan for the children to learn a selection of ‘wonderful words’ from these books and to eventually use them in their talk. Different playful story telling approaches will also be used to make learning enjoyable such as writing messages to Jack to help him make friends with the giant.
‘Inside out’ books – Summer 1 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Summer 2 – We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
This is a selection of stories that we will explore this term:
We will continue to learn new songs and rhymes and to play Phase 1 phonic games to support children’s early phonic skills.
This term we will continue to focus on recognising the numerals 1 to 5 and match them to the correct number of toys, gradually extending this to numbers to 10. We will play subitising games and will look at different ways of making numbers up to 5. We will also explore shape, size, pattern and weight.
Curriculum Highlights
This half term, we will be learning about ‘What’s in the garden?’ We will be finding out about minibeasts and growing plants, including learning about their life-cycles.
One of our most exciting experiences will be receiving our caterpillars and observing them as they grow over the next few weeks. Will they be butterflies or moths? We will be thinking about the similarities and differences between the creatures and plants that live in the garden.
In Summer 2, our topic is ‘Going on an Adventure’, starting with ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’. We will explore different stories linked to our adventures and we will be planning for our transition to the Reception year. Careful planning will prepare the children for a smooth transition to the next stage of their learning in school, while continuing to enjoy their Rainbow nursery experience.
You can find more information about the summer term learning by looking at the overviews and programmes of study.
Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s key person or any member of the nursery team if you need any further information. We are keen to keep parents well informed and look forward to working with you this term.
Thank you in advance for all of your support in the year ahead,
Best wishes from Mrs Booth, Ms Leung and the nursery team