Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.

School Meals


School meals are free for all primary school children and can be ordered using the ParentPay website at www.parentpay.com.  The system will not make you pay. You should save your choices and ignore any payment items referring to school meals payment. (They are an item in the online shop and you should not put it in your basket/pay for it).
If you need an Activation code (a separate one is issued for each child) or if you have problems using the system, please email lunches@latchmereschool.org

Once you have activated your account, you can select/amend the meals for your children on the tab called:

Make bookings’ once booked, you can view your bookings on the tab called:

View menus and choices

Meal choices will usually be locked 10 days before the week that they will be eaten.

If we do not receive a ParentPay booking for your child, they will automatically be registered in our system as having a packed lunch from home
Free School Meals Eligibility

If you have confirmed eligibility, the ParentPay system will know this and will not make you pay to book lunches during your entitlement period.

Maintaining FSM Eligibility is important for our funding:

Every child who is registered with Free School Meals eligibility attracts funding for the school from the Government that is used to enhance educational opportunities for all of our pupils. Even if your child is now covered by the Universal Free School Meals it is very important to us that you continue to claim FSM eligibility.

Packed Lunches for day trips

Pupils participating in day trips can be provided with a school packed lunch at the same cost as a school meal, or you may prefer to send in a packed lunch from home on trip days. Please refer to trips letters for dates of trips, and book a school packed lunch on ParentPay with the sandwich filling you would like.

Any questions?

If you have any queries or want to discuss any aspect of school lunches, please contact us. First stop is the school office where, once we know the nature of your query we can direct it to the right person – come in, phone 0208 546 7181 or email lunches@latchmereschool.org
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