Ranked 49th out of 16,783 in The Sunday Times Parent Power league tables of the best primary schools in England. The ranking is based upon average scores in English, grammar and maths.


Our children are naturally curious about the world around them and this spirit of enquiry is at the centre of our Geography studies at Latchmere. Every year group makes use of the local area to develop geographical skills and concepts. We are especially keen to develop fieldwork skills in the local area by utilising Richmond Park for the Year 6 traffic study and the River Thames for the Year 5 learning on rivers as well as on our day and residential visits. Other year groups use the local area in the immediate vicinity to work on map skills and to gain a thorough insight into our town, Kingston upon Thames.

In KS1, the children begin to develop their understanding and knowledge of The United Kingdom, the continents and the oceans of the world. This enables a solid geographical foundation for their learning in KS2.

We are also keen to develop global awareness by learning about volcanoes and fairtrade in Year 4 and the rainforest in Year 6 as well as amazing countries around the world.

Global Awareness Week is a highlight in our annual calendar. Every year, each class chooses a different country to learn about. Highlights include looking at the culture of the country, tasting their culinary delights and dressing to reflect national heritage.

Now more than ever, we want our geographers to be thinking about our planet and sustainability. Therefore, environmental awareness is at the forefront of everything we do and this is a good foundation for their continuing learning at secondary school.