At Latchmere School, we have an active and enthusiastic Governing Body. The governors are made up of elected representatives from parents and staff and community representatives. The work of the Governing Body is varied and we are fortunate to have a vast range of experience within our team. The governors try to ensure they visit the school and participate in school events as frequently as possible. This enables governors to gain a fuller understanding of how the school works and the way in which our children are educated.
How to become a governor
There are no particular qualifications or requirements for becoming a governor, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. If you are interested in becoming a governor at Latchmere School or if you have queries about our work, then please contact the Clerk to the Governors.
My name is Alex Hill and I am delighted to say that I have been appointed the new Chair of Governors at Latchmere School.
The governors are proud to help with the school’s strategic direction and ensure the delivery of a high standard of education for pupils at Latchmere.
As a parent of two children at the school, I know well how dedicated both the parents and teachers are to ensuring our children have a happy and successful time at school and are given the best start in life.
Myself and the seven other governors, including parents and carers, school staff, and members of the community, are now overseeing the implementation of an ambitious new School Development Plan led by Mrs Coles which will raise standards even further for the children. We should feel rightfully proud of our school but we believe we can do even better.
This includes reviewing and updating the behaviour policy, raising outcomes in phonics, improving staff wellbeing, expanding wrap around care facilities to offer places to all that need it, improving outcomes for disadvantaged children, and updating the school curriculum for diversity of representation, art, and design & technology.
We believe this will help Latchmere on its path back to an outstanding school but, more importantly, help your children to leave Latchmere with fond memories and the skills to help them achieve great success in the future.
The recent support for the Christmas school fair was testament to the exceptional community spirit at Latchmere. For those who visited the Latchmere Learning Fund stall, run by the governors, you will know that every penny donated to this charity goes directly towards vital books and IT equipment for the school.
Some parents already kindly donate into this fund via Direct Debit, but for anyone else able to boost our learning resources, please find details of how to donate here.
Finally, I would like to thank Rebecca Wilkinson for her time as Chair and wish her luck as she takes on a new role in the Latchmere Trust. I would also like to thank Hollie Lawrence who is stepping down from her role as a governor after many years of service.
As Chair, I will endeavour to send out further updates as we progress through the school year. In the interim, if you would like to get in touch with any thoughts on how to help our school to thrive, or if you are interested in becoming a school governor, please do not hesitate to get in contact via my email -
Kind Regards,
Alex Hill
Chair of Governors
- Alex Hill – Chair (co-opted)
- David Weaver – vice Chair (parent)
- Carolyn Coles (ex-officio)
- Joshua Ayres (staff)
- Tom Early (associate)
- Jo Franklin (co-opted)
- Isobel George (co-opted)
- Megan Murray Jones (co-opted)
- Percy Mak (parent)